티스토리 뷰




    Temu shopping mall is popular these days. Aren't you worried that buyers are buying it at such a cheap price? At first, I thought a lot, 'Is this product sold at such a cheap price?' And 'Will it really be delivered?' and 'Is the product intact at such a low price?' So I made several purchases out of curiosity. So I would like to show you my review of my purchase. As a result, it's not a shopping mall of this size, and I received the product I ordered. Then I will find out what Temu shopping is and how to use it.


    What is Temu logo
    What is Temu?


    What is Temu Shopping?


    Temu Shopping is a giant online direct shopping platform in China that offers safe and convenient services.


    Since its launch in September 2022, many people around the world, including the United States, have been using Temu shopping malls.


    Pinduoduo, the parent company that runs Temu, is China's top three e-commerce platforms and has surpassed the market capitalization of Alibaba, the industry's undisputed No. 1 company. The Chinese market, the world's largest e-commerce market, is shaking.


    Pinduoduo's Recent Change In Stock Price, Looks To Be Continuing To Grow.
    Pinduoduo's Recent Change In Stock Price, Looks To Be Continuing To Grow.


    Because the price was so low, there was a stigma such as fraud at the beginning of its launch, but it has now become the most popular shopping platform in the world for its unconventional sales and various event products. And a wide range of products are used as weapons to satisfy various customers and age groups.




    In fact, we are satisfying our customers with various categories as shown in the picture below. Below are the categories and products that you can check by accessing the Temu app.


    Temu categories.


    The reason why Temu is cheap



    1. Understanding the Shopping Mall's Platform.

    First of all, Temu is offering exceptional discounts to new subscribers, and it is satisfying customers with many events and events even if they are not new customers. I think this is because I understand the shopping mall's platform that it is important to tie up customers in the ecosystem and induce repurchase in order to survive and stand the best on the shopping mall platform.


    2. Delete intermediate distribution process

    In general, when you buy something, it is delivered to the manufacturer -> intermediate distributor -> consumers. Temu eliminated intermediate distributors here and connected the manufacturer directly to the consumer, resulting in a satisfactory price for the consumer.


    3. A low fee

    If you connect the manufacturer directly to the consumer and set the sales commission high, the amount will go entirely to the consumer. However, Temu was able to reduce the price of its products very low by rarely receiving the sales commission rate. The average sales commission for Korean shopping malls is about 10%, but Temu is about 0.6%, so you rarely receive it


    4. a structure that makes money from advertisements made by manufacturers instead of being cheap to consumers

    Temu is a structure that makes money from manufacturers, not from consumers. In fact, more than 70% of sales performance is said to make money from advertising.


    It encourages manufacturers to sell their products better for advertising costs on the condition that they are well exposed to the top. As a result, we are able to make profits from the advertising costs and provide them to consumers at a low price.




    Real reviews and advantages and disadvantages.


    This is my review of buying from Temu out of curiosity and for a low price product. As a result, I received the product completely and since it is an overseas delivery, I recommend not to purchase glass products or products that may be damaged. Of course, you don't have to worry about the free return and convenient refund system, but please consider that it is an overseas delivery.






    Is Temu a scam platform?


    The fact that it is not a domestic shopping mall and the unbelievably low prices of the products are enough to arouse suspicion.


    However, the goods are actually being delivered properly, and it is being actively used in Asia, the United States, and Europe.


    To conclude, this is not a fraudulent shopping mall. It is a company listed on NASDAQ in the U.S. and is currently the No. 1 e-commerce shopping mall in China, surpassing Alibaba.


    You can think of Temu as a platform like Korea’s Coupang. If the product is of low quality or a fraudulent product, it is the manufacturer's problem and Temu is a platform that manages and promotes this.





    1. Since it's overseas delivery, we recommend that you be careful about products that can be broken or damaged and not purchase them if possible.


    2. Please note that it may take some time to deliver because it is delivered from overseas.


    3. Since it's a Chinese shopping app, the translation of the language may be a little awkward. (That doesn't mean that I don't recognize it or it's weird.) Therefore, the detailed description of the product or customer response may be a little insufficient. However, there is nothing wrong with the purchase of delivery-related products.


    4. Please closely check the rating and detailed explanation of the product. As it is an inexpensive product, the quality of the product varies widely, and there are cases where it is different (the size or product itself) from the picture, so please check carefully.





    I hope the YouTube video below will be helpful.


    What is Temu?



    Temu shopping real Reviews, Advantages, Disadvantages

    What is Temu (Temu) Shopping Mall? Pinduoduo is a huge online shopping platform that sells large quantities of inexpensive products made locally in China. We conduct sales and delivery by directly connecting Chinese manufacturers and consumers without any



    The event in Temu.The event in Temu.
    The event in Temu.






